Hilary Macdonald

Consistently delivers quality legal advice ahead of deadlines

Cost effectiveness and plain English practical advice are my drivers

Understands the needs and expectations of mineral explorers and producers as a result of in-house legal counsel roles

Hilary Macdonald has over 20 years’ experience specialising in corporate law and hard rock mining law in Western Australia.



Educated at Aberdeen Grammar School, Scotland (1978-1984), the University of Bristol, England (1984- 1987), LLB (Honours), The College of Law in Guildford, England (1987-1988), Admitted as a Solicitor in the Supreme Court of England and Wales (1990) following Articles in the City of London specialising in company law at Gouldens (1988-1990), Admitted as a Solicitor in Scotland (1993) and Admitted as a Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Western Australia (1994).


Previously a Solicitor at Parker & Parker (Perth) (1994-1996), Senior Associate at Deacons (Perth) (1996-1998), Manager at Andersen Legal (Sydney) seconded as in-house legal counsel to Anaconda Nickel Limited (Perth) (1998-2000), Senior Associate at Pullinger Readhead Lucas (Perth) (2004-2009).


Formed legal practice in 2009 to service the small to mid-cap exploration and mining sector with corporate and hard rock mining legal advice. 

Well equipped to understand the needs of ASX listed exploration and mining companies following inhouse legal counsel roles with Anaconda Nickel Limited (1998-2000) and ASX 200 gold producer Northern Star Resources Limited (since 2013).

Legal adviser to Mungana Gold Mines /Atherton Resources in the farm-out of the Chillagoe Project, Queensland to Newcrest Mining Limited in May 2015

Legal adviser to Northern Star Resources Limited in the $40 million acquisition of Paulsens Gold Mine in the Pilbara, Western Australia from Intrepid Mines NL in July 2010

Legal adviser to Northern Star Resources Limited in the public tender divestment of Plutonic Gold Mine in Western Australia in 2016

Legal adviser to Legend Mining Limited in the negotiation of sale, farm-in and joint venture agreements with Mark Creasy in the Fraser Range, Western Australia in July 2015

Legal adviser to AusQuest Limited in the negotiation of farm-out and joint venture agreements in Burkina Faso with Semafo Inc in April 2014

Legal adviser to Newgenco Group Limited in the negotiation of joint venture agreements over West Africa with First Quantum Minerals Limited in March 2015

Legal adviser to Slipstream Resources and Asgard Metals in the divestment of lithium project in the Pilbara, Western Australia to Dakota Minerals Limited in December 2015

Legal adviser to Northern Star Resources Limited in the $82 million acquisition of Jundee Gold Mine in Western Australia from Newmont Mining Corporation in July 2014

IPO’s including Galaxy Resources, Terrain Minerals, Emergent Resources, Prime Minerals, Accent Resources, Attila Resources, Resource Development Group, Canyon Resources, Enterprise Uranium


  • Corporations Act advice
  • Mining Act advice
  • ASX Listing Rules advice
  • Share purchase plans and placements
  • IPO’s and underwriting agreements
  • Share and asset sale term sheets and agreements
  • Joint Venture Agreements 
  • Farm-in Agreements
  • Mineral Rights Agreements
  • Share, option and incentive schemes
  • Share buy-backs, capital reductions, capital restructures
  • ASX re-compliance advice
  • Capital raising advice
  • Placements and rights issues
  • Continuous disclosure and corporate governance advice
  • Notices of General Meetings and company secretarial advice
  • Due Diligence and independent expert’s reports on legal title in WA
  • Toll treatment, ore purchase and royalty agreements
  • Executive service contracts
  • Procurement contract advice


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Postal Address

Suite 23, 18 Stirling Highway Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia